
I read an article in the New York Times about how rock and popular music is spinning its wheels, and I can’t agree more. Simon Reynolds’ Retromania struck a chord in me when I read it last summer, and I’ve been bothered that so much recent music is just re-hashed variations on greater music.

It’s not that I don’t like certain things, there’s a lot of recent music that sounds great and fires me up. Is it cool to listen to? Would I enjoy seeing them play over a few beers? Yes, certainly.

But there is this nagging sensation that follows most recent musical output, like some starving mongrel nipping at its heels.

Listen to this song by The Fumes. It rocks, but couldn’t we say this duo is an Australian Black Keys, and follow that line back to more original and distinctive origins?

Cuddle Up the Devil:

~ by markgleason on December 31, 2011.

One Response to “Leftovers”

  1. Great post. I can hear the same thing. Just like anything else, music has innovators and followers. Its something you can feel more than think. But man can you feel it. Happy New Year!

    Thats why I like this….

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